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Reference story : Valio Aimo

At the wholesale warehouse of Valio Aimo a pick-by-voice system supplied by Optiscan has been in use for years. The system is used for picking dry goods, frozen food, meat, vegetables and fruits.

Reference story : University Pharmacy

University Pharmacy's centralized data services have a group of pharmacists who provide personal customer service to online customers. Online pharmacy can deliver both non-description drugs, and drugs for which an electronic prescription has been made.

Reference story : Meira Nova

Meira Nova Oy implemented Voice-Directed picking system in the beginning of summer 2009. The benefits of the new picking system were immediate after implementation, with it the amount of picking errors have decreased significantly and productivity has improved as expected at Meira Nova. Also the employees have adapted to the change with positive thinking.

Reference story : Valio

Valio renewed the whole warehouse management system and at the same time old-fashioned and a bit poorly working picking with handheld devices was replaced by voice-directed picking.

Reference story : DHL – MQ

The errors are so few that it´s not worth spending time checking the deliveries at MQ´s stores. A good testimonial for the solution based on Pick-by-Voice from Optiscan.

Reference story :

Lately, there has been a positive buzz about omnichannel. - has been a pioneer in designing multi-channel order-to-delivery process and successfully serving its customers for years.